12e Salon International d’Art Photographique de Pessac 2014

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We have just received from the French organizers a nice, 42 pages, color Exhibition Catalog of the 12e Salon International d’Art Photographique de Pessac, France. My wife Lexi and I submitted our images to this world photography contest, but we did not get any detailed information earlier, just a note: one or more of our images selected for the exhibition. However, we have learned from this Exhibition catalog: the exhibition was from December 13 until December 20, 2014, the contest received 1848 images (717 images to the Color category, 632 images to the Monochrome category and 499 images to the Nature category) from 200 participants, from 34 countries around the world. Based on the judges decision and their scores, one of Lexi’s images, “Canada Goose Attack” and two of my images, “Snow Geese Flock in Flight” and “Egrets Fighting” were selected for the exhibition and the “Egrets Fighting” image was published in the Exhibition Catalog.

Congratulations to the winners and all of those whose images were selected to the 12e Salon International d’Art Photographique de Pessac 2014 world-wide contest.

Comments from e-mails and Facebook:

  • Congratulations to both of you! (Marie Messina Curtis, Curtis Studio)
  • Bravo! (Nathalie Brouard)
  • Congratulations to both of you Laszlo! To be selected from such a large pool of applicants!! Well done! (Juliana Ferrero, Houston Center for Photography)
  • Wonderful, Laszlo and Lexi… Delighted to see this. (Milton Finegold)
  • Congrats!! (Dion McInnis)
  • Totally love this image! Such an unusual point of view. (Nathalie Brouard)
  • Congratulations, beautiful images! (Rachel Burychka)
  • Congratulations to you both. (David Mann)
  • Great images. Congratulations. (Geoffrey Koslov)
  • Congrats !! (Eleanor Brown)
  • The geographic range of your admirers is expanding exponentially Congratulations. (Lou Vest)
  • Congratulations!!! (Eva Kapus Talbot)
  • Congratulations to you both!! Your work is so deserving of these awards and also more to come (in our eyes)! We have always enjoyed our times together, shooting or not. I’m sure we’ll be getting together again soon and will enjoy catching up again. (Ron & Georgia Fontenot)
  • What wonderful news! Congratulations to you both. (Carol L. Drawe)
  • Congratulations. (David Lobato)
  • Congratulations to you both! (Sandra Stevens)
  • Congratulations to you both my friends! (Jaimie Ladysh)
  • So happy for you and personally, proud, to know you, and Lexi. (Dolores Bertrand)
  • Congratulations!! Fantastic! (Oliver Rohn)
  • Congratulations! Outstanding photos, worthy of international exhibition and viewing. (Al Iverson, Ivy Optics)
  • Congratulations to both of you (Dorothy McIsaac)
  • Fabulous, congrats, very impressive (Heidi Straube)
  • Love it! (Laura Rossi)
  • Congrats. (Robert Davis)
  • Congrats!! (Mary Anne Weber, Houston Audubon)

Author: Natperl

Dr. Laszlo Perlaky is a photographic artist and educator, having 50 years of experience in various fields of nature photography using large format film and digital. He is a retired research scientist, past faculty member of Baylor College of Medicine and Texas Children's Cancer Center. He is a member of several national and international photographic organizations, past artistic director of Fill Your Cup Coffee Shop Gallery, past editor of Silver Image, past Print Competition Vice President of Houston Photographic Society. As a volunteer, he led his Photo walks at Brazos Bend State Park for 30 years. He is an active photographic instructor at Houston Photographic Study Group and Houston Center for Photography., elected board member of Lost Pines Art League and Bastrop County Audubon Society. He has successfully participated and been awarded in national and international photography contests, solo and group exhibitions. His images were published in magazines, books, calendars, and presented at major art festivals and auctions.

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