The World largest Black and White Photography contest , the 13th Annual Black and White Spider Awards Nomination and Winners presentation was on November 10, 2018. (Link)
The Black and White Spider Awards is the Oscars honoring photography achievements in black and white photography of the world. The contest received a huge number of applications from 73 countries. Winners and nominees are recognized in a night of online gala celebrations when photography fans around the globe log on for the climax of the annual Photoshow and pay tribute to the most outstanding achievements in black & white photography.
One of Laszlo’s black and white photographs (“Heart Rock”), taken with his 4×5 view camera at Wichita Mountains National Wildlife Refuge, was selected for Nominee in the Nature / Amateur category at the 13th Black and White Spider Awards world contest.

Comments from emails and Facebook:
- That’s terrific, Laszlo. (David Mann)
- Congratulations (Eva Kapus Talbot)
- Nagy gratulacio mindkettotoknek az ujabb szep fotos sikerekhez! (Dr Horvath Gyozo)