13th Black and White Spider Awards 2018
The World largest Black and White Photography contest , the 13th Annual Black and White Spider Awards Nomination and Winners presentation was on November 10, 2018. (Link) The Black and
Laszlo Perlaky, Photographic Artist
The World largest Black and White Photography contest , the 13th Annual Black and White Spider Awards Nomination and Winners presentation was on November 10, 2018. (Link) The Black and
We just finished my Through the Lens photo hike for birds at Brazos Bend State Park, TX on November 3, 2018. Six of us walked slowly at the West side
Continue reading…Laszlo’s Through the Lens Photo Hike for Birds at Brazos Bend State Park
Laszlo held his Houston Center for Photography (HCP) organized, Three Parts Bird photography Workshop on October 22, (Part 1, Introduction, Bird Photography Basics), on Ocrober 27, (Part 2, Field Trip,
We had a great time on my “Through the Lens” photo hike yesterday, from late afternoon till almost dark at Brazos Bend Stae Park, TX. Four of us looked for
Continue reading…Laszlo’s Through The Lens Photo-hike at Brazos Bend State Park