Laszlo led his three-part Landscape Photography Workshop Part 2 at Jesse H. Jones Nature Park, Humble, Texas from 8 AM to 12 PM on April 13, 2019. During Part 1 at the Houston Center for Photography (HCP), Laszlo discussed with the participants: Landscape Photography -, camera -, lens -, tripod basics and f-stop/shutter speed relationship to bokeh, depth of field and motion blur. During Part 2, field trip to the Cypress swamp and River overlook of Jesse H. Jones Park, we talked about visualization, composition, isolation and the participants learned to use a simple viewer as part of the image-making process. The weather was cloudy and we got some showers, but luckily, the predicted storm shifted to North-West from our location. We had a good time photographing from the boardwalk the Cypress trees with their massive protruding roots, so-called knees, which support the trees to use oxygen from the air. The wet tree trunk skirts, the knees, and all of the vegetation were amazingly colorful in the rain and after that. Part 3, discussion and critique meeting will be at HCP on April 18, from 6 PM to 9 PM. We had a great time together, and I am sure all of us made good images. Enjoy a few of mine.

Thanks to my lovely wife Lexi, who took few snapshots from the participants in action: