The Houston Photographic Society (HPS) held its first Program, the 2014 Year End Contest Awards and Appreciation Pot Luck at the Tracy Gee Community Center, Houston, TX, on January 13, 2015. There was lot of good food, sweets, soft drinks, and friendly atmosphere.
After Michael Sanderson’s Presidential introduction, Laszlo Perlaky (Print Competition Vice President in 2014) said thank you to the Members for their 2014 Monthly Print Competition Participation and to the Monthly judges: Dion McInnis, Hugh Hargrave, Frank White, Jerry Brown, Matt Adams, Kathy Adams Clark, Craig Hartley, Bob Warren, Ted Washington, Jim Caldwell, Michael Hart. Laszlo talked about the Year End contest and introduced the invited 2014 Year End Contest judges: Kathy Adams Clark, Jean Caslin, Frank White. The judges talked about their challenges during the judging and selecting the 11 winning images out of 172 qualified images on December 9, 2014.
Laszlo as 2014 Print Competition Vice President, announced the winning images and the winners. The judges and the winning photographers commented their images and received their awards and appreciation. Winners: Color HM1 – Darby Donaho; “Pointing”, Color HM2 – John Chianis: “Path to Solitude”, Color 3rd – Tom Foster: “Birds on Piling”, Color 2nd – Darby Donaho: “Grand Opening”, Color 1st – Darby Donaho: “Portals of the Loom”, Monochrome HM1 – Myriam Fornage: “Bull Rider at Crow Fair”, Monochrome HM2 – Laszlo Perlaky: “San Simeon Shore”, Monochrome 3rd – David Mann: “Sky Light No.0604”, Monochrome 2nd – Tom Foster: “Three Faces of Christ”, Monochrome 1st – John Chianis: “Turbulence on Plano Grande”, Best In Show – Tom Foster: “School House” More info
Laszlo Perlaky and Michael Sanderson said thank you to the 2014 Year End Contest judges and presented their HPS appreciation, then 2014 Past President and 2015 elected President, Michael Sanderson gave recognition awards to the 2014 Officers for their dedicated work and introduced the 2015 Officers.
The meeting was finished in time and all members were happy and appreciated the well-organized and well-run meeting. More info