I just received information from the Chairman of the Jardin Botanique de Bordeaux, France, Photo-Phyllis 2016 worldwide photography contest 1st result: 4 images from my wife Lexi’s and 4 images from my submissions were accepted for the exhibition. This is great news because the contest received 2,775 photographs from 38 countries by 406 authors.

Chers Amis photographes, Juste quelques mots ! Les premiers résultats du salon sont publiés sur le site habituel : http://www.jjmilan.sitew.fr/#accueil.A Voir la rubrique “résultats 2016”. A très bientôt pour la suite Une ultime exposition du salon 2015 aura lieu à Talence (Gironde) du 26 au 29 janvier 2016. Voir la rubrique “actualités-news”.Cordialement, Jean-Jacques MILAN
Dear Friends photographers, Just a few words! The first results of the salon are published on the usual site: http://www.jjmilan.sitew.fr/#accueil.A Refer to the page ” resultats 2016 “. See you very soon for the continuation. An ultimate exhibition of the 2015 salon will take place in Talence ( Gironde) from 26 till 29 January 2016. See the section “actualités-news”. Best regards, Jean-Jacques MILAN
Dear Friends photographers, Please find in attachment the official invitation for the ceremony of prize giving of the 9th international Salon Photo-phylles. It will begin at 18 h and not at 18 h 30 as wrongly indicated before, sorry for the inconvenience. Best regards, Jean-Jacques Milan
Chers Amis photographes, Veuillez trouver en pièce jointe l’invitation officielle pour la cérémonie de remise des prix du 9e Salon international Photo-phylles. Merci de noter que l’heure est 18 h et non 18 h 30 comme indiqué précédemment, excusez-moi pour cette erreur. Cordialement, Jean-Jacques Milan
Comments from e-mails:
- Congrats to you both. That sounds like a very impressive juried exhibit !! Good luck. SS (Steve Sherman)
- Laszlo & Lexi, Many congratulations to both of you; especially, with the number of submissions & countries. 8 images! Wonderful! Susana (Susana O’Docharty)
- CONGRATULATIONS (Joe Aker, Aker Imaging Gallery)
- Congrats to you and Lexi! Deborah (Deborah Bay)
- Congrats!! Donna E Perkins (link)
- Teljes szivbol gratulalunk az ujabb nagyszeru sikerhez! Győző (Dr. Horáth Győző)
- You two are putting the rest of us to shame! (Louis and Emilce Vest)
- Congrats to you both (RA Sline)