The World’s largest Black and White Photography Contest, the 10th Annual Black and White Spider Awards Nomination and Winner’s presentation was on November 21, 2015. The Black and White Spider Awards is the Oscars honoring photography achievements in black and white photography of the world. The contest received a huge number of applications from 73 countries.

Laszlo’s “Floating Door to the Darkness” black and white photograph, taken with his 4×5 view camera at Upper Lake Irwin, Colorado, was selected for Nominee and then Honorable Mention winner in the Abstract / Amateur category at the 10th Black and White Spider Awards world contest.
Enjoy all of the winners and nominees! (more info)
2015 Black & White Spider Awards WINNER ANNOUNCEMENT:
Dear Laszlo,
CONGRATULATIONS on being a Winner at the 10th Annual
Black & White Spider Awards with:
Honorable Mention in Abstract | Floating Door to the Darkness
7,686 entries were received from 74 countries and your work received
a high percentage of votes overall. Certainly an achievement, well done!
The Jury represented the industry’s biggest names and tastemakers
including Bonhams, Random House, Aeroplastics Contemporary,
Stockholm City Museum, Annenberg Foundation, Leo Burnett,
FTM Art Advisory and Fratelli Alinari who reviewed the entries
online before making their nominations and honoring 505 title awards
and 943 nominees in 31 categories. The Awards could not have
wished for a better group of professionals to work with.
Congratulations once again, we wish you a most successful photography year.
Comments from e-mails:
- Wow, that’s amazing Dad! Congratulations and I’m very proud of you. Love Daniel (Daniel Perlaky Multimedia design and Creative Direction)
- Laszlo your image is wonderful….congratulations!! Eleanor (Eleanor Brown Photography)
- Congratulations. I am out of town and can’t send to group. Hope you will. Your work is always amazing. Best, joe (Aker Imaging Gallery)
- That’s a beautiful photo and you’re in good company there. Congratulations. Louis VestCongratulations,
- Laszlo…..so many interesting images to compete with and enjoy. Thanks for sharing. Milton (Dr. Milton Finegold)
- Laszlo, Congrats! f r a n k (Frank Sherman White)
- Congratulations Laszlo – I love it that your work is receiving all of this attention – well deserved! J. (Jo-Anne White)
- What a nice honor-congratulations, Laszlo! Sally (Sally Sprout, Art Curator of Williams Tower Gallery)
- WOW! Mucho congratulaciones! That is a big deal! Marie Curtis (Curtis Studio)
- Dear Lazlo, Congratulations! It is indeed a wonderful photograph and your must be very proud.
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Congratulations, Laszlo! Daniel (Daniel Brents, VAA Exhibition Chairman)
- Congratulations Bob (Dr. Bob Davis)
- Congrats (RA Sline)
- Very impressed!! (Gerald de Patoul)
- Congrats Laszlo. Keep up the great work !! SS (Steve Sherman)
- Congrats! (Dion McInnis, Empowered Creativity Institute)
- Congratulations Laszlo! This is amazing!!!! Best, Emilee (Emilee Cooney HCP)
- Laszlo – congratulations on your Nominee and and Honorable Mention!! awesome! (Ruth Gonzalez)
- Congratulations! You’ve done it again! What an honor. We all wish you continued success. Al. (Al Iverson, Ivy Optics)
- Laszlo, I posted this on The Woodlands Camera Club’s Facebook page (Jean Drummond President of the Woodlands Camera Club) , and got a couple of comments:
- I was captivated after browsing just one category. What a wonderland of B&W.
- Kind of humbling to see such imaginative and fascinating images. Congrats to Laszlo.
- Nagy-nagy szeretettel gratulalunk ehhez a nagyszeru sikerhez, de mindenek elott a megrazo hangulatu kephez, amely igazan melto arra, hogy a legjobbak egyikekent kerult kiemelesre a palyazati tomegbol. Letisztultan egyszeru eszkoztaraval, s nem utolso sorban filozofikus melysegu cimevel rendkivul mely emberi tartalmat hordoz. Szamomra leginkabb az elet viszontagsagat es buktatoit szinte vakito tisztasaggal vegigkuzdott, a vegso ismeretlen sotetseg fele sodrodo, abban mar felig elmerult, sorsaval megbekelt embert szimbolizalja. A kepet egyfajta eteri nyugalom lengi korul, a megvaltoztathatatlan kozeli vegzethez vezeto fenyut visszafogott vibralasaval. A kep gondolatisagaval messze kiemelkedik a kategoria mezonyebol, ahol tulnyomo tobbsegben az absztrakt formakkal valo oncelu vizualis jatszadozas a jellemzo. Mondhatnam ugy is, hogy mely filozofiai tartalmaval a te keped baratom ugyancsak feszegeti a kategoria hatarait. (Dr. Horvath Gyozo)