The Old year passed and this happened fast. When I am sipping my early morning espresso coffee and thinking about the year 2019, evaluating myself, reorganizing my uncompleted projects, and setting up my new goals for the New Year, I had to conclude if 2020 will be just similar to 2019 we could be very happy.
First of all, I am 67 years old and I was never in the hospital as a patient in my life. Well, I was there as an outpatient in 2019 as an emergency with my infected leg, my ophthalmologist made cataract surgery on both of my eyes, and one of the best Mohs surgeons removed my tumor developed during our epic expedition. I am grateful for Dr. Zuckerbrod giving back my vision and for Dr. Goldberg curing my skin cancer. I am in good shape, I feel strong and healthy. My lovely wife Lexi and our two grown-up kids Daniel and Gergo are healthy too, so I cannot have a better wish about it.
As you all know, we had a very busy dual life and made a plan for retiring at the end of the Academic year. Half of 2019, during the workdays, my wife Lexi as a Mohs surgery histotech worked hard at DermSurgery Associates and I, as a Baylor College of Medicine faculty and Scientific Director of Research and Tissue Support Services Core, worked closely with the Texas Children’s Cancer and Hematology Center’s research scientists. As a contributing author, I was included in 2 published scientific papers last year. However, after work and on the weekends, as photographic artists, we worked on several special projects. I can state frankly, we fulfilled both professions at the highest level. I tried my best to make Naturalperl, my Fine Art Photography small business profitable, and as a photography instructor, I thought 13 workshops at the Houston Center for Photography, led 4 discussion/critique meetings at the Houston Photography Study Group and as invited-speaker, I made presentations for the Houston Audubon Nature Photography Association, for the Kingwood Camera Club and the Houston Photographic Society in 2019. Additional to these, as a volunteer emeritus, donated 7 “Through the Lens” Photo-hikes to Brazos Bend State Park last year, and with our photographic art, we actively participated in national and international photography contests and won prestigious awards.
Lexi and I retired at the end of June 2019 and started to focus on our new and challenging retired life. Organized our health insurance, reviewed our financial situations, expanded my photography teaching schedules, renewed our fitness program, and finalized our epic photography expedition trip “Through the Rockies to Alaska”. This trip was the most challenging, most beautiful, and probably the most productive in our life. Our goal was to have a relaxed, two in the wilderness type, nature-oriented photography expedition, visiting the most beautiful and remote areas traveling on most of the time backroads. We left Houston on July 10, 2019, and drove from Texas through the Rockies in New Mexico, Colorado, Wyoming, Montana, continuing to the Northern Rockies in Alberta, British Columbia, and Yukon, traveling up north on Dempster dirt road through Tombstone Mountains to Eagle Plaines close to the Arctic Circle then from Dawson City, passing the Yukon River, through the Top of the World dirt road to Alaska. Driving on the Alaska Hwy to Fairbanks, we continued on the challenging Dalton Highway up north, passing the Yukon River and the Arctic Circle and drove behind the Brooks Range and enjoyed the remote, close encounters with nature when we primitive camped or Boon docked at the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge area. We drove back on Dalton dirt road and camped at Arctic Circle, then drove south to Denali National Park and visited beautiful areas nearby Anchorage and drove back touching many glaciers in eastern Alaska, then through challenging roads of the beautiful British Columbia back to the USA and drove through Northern Cascades to the Oregon Coast, then to sunny California and back through the south-western states to Houston. During this trip, we got a lot of challenges on the remote, potholes or deep dust-covered dirt roads and on after heavy rain shaped muddy roads, but we collected great memories, enjoyed nine different times and locations the magical and mysteriously dancing Northern Light, made a very deep connection to our natural world, confirmed our nature conservancy wishes, and got nice images on large format black and white and color films. We were blessed to spend a memorable few days together with Gergo and his wife Emily in Jasper National Park and when we drove back, with Daniel in San Diego. After 15,469 trouble-free miles during 3.5 months, we arrived home safely. Thanks to my loving wife Lexi for her support, for the good food, and the great teamwork during our adventures in many remote areas. During our long trip, we gained more respect and appreciation for each other and were happy all the time. Big kudos to our trusted Toyota 4Runner TRD Off-Road, and our tiny house, Aliner Titanium Off-Road.
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In conclusion, 2019 was a very busy, but successful year, we enjoyed it as it was, and gave thank you for every moment and for all of the blessings that we received. Well, many things remained on my 2019 things-to-do list, but I already re-evaluated and transferred a few to the 2020 things-to-do list this morning. I strongly believe, 2020 will be a great year! We are full of hopes, energy, and new plans. Would you like to know more about it? Unfortunately, you need to wait a year, for my 2020 remembrance.
My lovely wife and I are wishing you all good things in this New Year 2020. Have fun, joy, good health, peace, and happiness! Happy New Year to All my Friends!