Press release: Laszlo Perlaky, Early Light: the Cades Cove Landscapes
Aker Imaging Gallery is proud to present the black and white landscape photography of Laszlo Perlaky, “Early Light: the Cades Cove Landscapes”. The show will open on Saturday, June 7 from 6:00 pm to 8:30 pm and will close on July 18th. Laszlo will discuss his work at 6:30 on the night of the opening. Aker Imaging Gallery is located at 4708 Lillian Street, Houston, Texas 77007. Further information is available by calling Lyn Bolt or Joe Aker at 713-862-6343.
There is a magical hour for the photographer. It is a time when all is still and the light is soft and alluring to the eye. This magic moment has, since the creation of photography, been the time when the photographer is at one with the landscape. It is a time when looking through the camera at a scene is magical and exciting. It is the very few minutes between the dark of the night and the rising of the sun. It is a very short period of time and the photographer works hard to capture the image that will change in just seconds. Laszlo Perlaky has experienced this moment of early light many times and captured it so that the viewer of his work is instantly taken to that moment of perfect light.
Cades Cove is a special place in the Great Smoky Mountains. It is a place of a simple life where people work hard and laugh and cry. Sometimes they make moonshine to enjoy on a cool night. The beauty of their country is unbelievable. It is a landscape of contradictions. It is rugged and soft, it is lush and barren and it is friendly and harsh. But above all it is beautiful. Laszlo captures all of this in his photography.
During multiple photography trips to the Great Smoky Mountains National Park, Laszlo has captured this area of America the way photographers have been doing it for 150 years by carrying a large format 4×5 inch camera and using film. He is as old-fashioned in his method of capturing the image as he is in protecting the nature that he loves so much. He treats nature as his best friend and loves and protects it and saves by capturing its most beautiful moments. The viewer quickly sees this in every image he shows.
In a world of digital, there is still a wonderful quality to images capture on film rather than on a sensor. Laszlo has used film to captures the world of the Great Smokey Mountains. His experiencing of this beauty is transferred to the viewer in his magnificent black and white prints. The viewer is taken into the world of the early foggy mornings that you only see by rising before the sun. There is lyrical magic to his photographs that make the viewer stand and look and long to be there. After your first look at the beauty of the whole, you start to look at pieces of the puzzle that make up the whole image. Each is worthy of a photograph in itself but put together they make up an even more impressive treat for the viewer. Each captures a moment in time that is soon gone in the harshness of the full sunlight. They create a longing to have been there at that moment to enjoy for a few seconds the greatness of nature.
Aker Imaging is proud to present the work of Laszlo Perlaky. The show runs from June 7th to July 18th. The Artist will discuss his work at 6:30 pm on the night of the opening. Further information is available by calling Lyn Bolt or Joe Aker at 713-862-6343. Aker Imaging Gallery 4708 Lillian Street Houston, Texas 77007
Received e-mails about “Early Light: The Cades Cove Landscapes”
- Wonderful show Laszlo!! Sorry we didn’t get to talk, but your photos look beautiful and stunning on those walls! Susana & Lynda
- I was glad I could come. You should be very proud of your beautiful work. It was amazing. Lou
- Hope you have a great turnout for that beautiful exhibit! Big hugs. Marie
- I am wishing you a successful gallery opening tonight. I am sorry I can’t make it but I will be thinking of you. – Mike Marvins
- Hi Just saw Laszlo’s show at Aker and it is super…Congratulations !!! — Mike Marvins
- I am out of town so I can’t make it, but best of luck and congratulations! Dion
- Hi guys. Those of you who missed the opening and reception yesterday, should—if you possibly can—get by the Aker Imaging Gallery to see Laszlo’s exhibit of large format black and white landscapes titled “Early Light: The Cades Cove Landscapes”. For a start, it may cause you to raise your standards when assessing what is great landscape photographic composition. And that is indeed just the start. Until you’ve looked at these 16×21 photos closely…and I mean really closely…your impression of sharpness and fine detail is in for an adjustment. No current digital cameras, even ultra high-resolution full frame digital SLR cameras, can produce the outstanding detail Laszlo has produced with his 4×5 and 8×10 view cameras. The Aker Imaging Gallery is at 4708 Lillian Street, Houston, 77007, just a block south of Washington Street and a half a block east of Shepherd. I don’t know their hours, but the phone is 713-862-6343. The exhibit will be there through June 27. Have a good one. Bill
- Way to go Laszlo! Once again, I see you are rewarded for putting your work out for all to see! Keep up the great work! Dan
- Great news Laszlo, congrats on the beautiful space and the first of many sales. Steve Sherman
- Hi Laszlo, Thanks for the invite. I am currently in Europe, so it was not possible for me to come. Hope the expo was a success. I’m sure you must have some pretty nice shots with your amazing eye in your amazing camera! Kind regards, Gerald
- Although my husband and I will at the ranch building new fence, I will try to come see this show while it is up. Thank you for inviting me. Your photographs touch the soul, which is the best thing that art can do. Best wishes to you and Lexi! Sandra Stevens, Contemporary Western Artist
- That is probably one of the best compliments that you can receive –and it is true! Joanne
- Laszlo, We’d love to be there, unfortunately we will be out of town. Please try us again. Len
- Thanks Laszlo, I’m on call, but I will definitely come if the sea gods allow. Thanks for the head’s up. Lou
- Thank you Laszlo! I have added it to our Events Around Town calendar. Best, Emilee
- Just wanted to congratulate for the fine exhibition at the Aker Gallery. I truly enjoyed the b&w landscapes. The details from the large formats are just great. All the best for the exhibition and I wish you and your wife a nice weekend. Uwe
- This is to give my congratulations for your Cades Cove photo exhibition. All the photographs were wonderful. You have a keen eye for composition and for the artistic tonal representations. I noticed many details, from compositions, camera movements, aperture selections, and artistic processing skills. You are a fine artist and also a fine craftsman. David Lobato
- Lazlo, Saw your prints yesterday. Very impressive collection. Bill Nelson
- I viewed your exhibit yesterday. Congratulations on the wonderful B&W photographs. They are impressive. Saundra Salter
- Every time I have shot with Laszlo, I have had the way in which I view my world changed for the better. He is a true master, and I have yet to see these images. James Crossman
- It was great talking with Laszlo about his incredible phots. Great, too, talking with all of you who attended. Kathy Adams Clark
- Kathy Adams Clark had this to say: “Laszlo talking about his images with Mary McGuire, Christine Martin, and Bill Fortney.” Check it out! Link