I just wish to share the good news from International Black and White Spider Awards, one of my winning images (Lake Martin Cypresses) published in the Black and White Spider Awards, International B&W Photographer of the Year, Winners Book 2020 Vol.1, Page 319.
Dear Laszlo,
As a Winner at the 14th Black & White Spider Awards we are delighted to announce your work has been published in the 2020 Winners Book. (Vol. 1 is out now and Vol. 2 to be released Feb. 24).
You can view, download and share at: Winners Book.
Produced as a marketing tool for you to promote your achievement at the awards, the sourcebook allows creatives to connect with you directly when looking to source photographers for their projects.
We wish you a successful year and look forward to seeing your new work.
Best wishes,
Michelle Hill
Program Director
BLACK & WHITE SPIDER AWARDS | www.thespiderawards.com
324 S. Beverly Drive, #266, Beverly Hills, CA 90212 | 833-437-9274