Day 85 (Wednesday): October 2, 2019
Rained all night, stopped around 5 AM, cloudy, 38oF. The gas station opened at 7 AM, filled up the Beast, and after breakfast, hitched then continued to drive on Cassiar Hwy 37. We saw and watched a black bear with cub, then continued our trip on the slippery road in rain. Later we saw a grizzly bear next to the road at Todagin Valley, then visited Kinasken Lake Provincial Park, then from many viewpoints we got nice viwes to the mountains, especially at milepost 335 km to the mountains and to the roarin Inaskut River. Later we stopped at Ningousaw River, where we enjoyed the small rockfalls. After Mezidian Junction, and finding closed for the season the Mezidian Lake Recreation area, decided to continue to drive on Cassiar Hwy 37 to Kitwanga then on Canada 16 to Balkley Valley RV Park at Smithers, where we stayed. Set up our camper in rain around 6 PM then drove to the nearby Motel’s Pub to eat and drink couple of beers. Back to camp around 9:30 PM, we were tired after the long drive on winding, up and down road in rain, but made it safely and were happy.

Day 86 (Thursday): October 3, 2019
Woke up early, still raining… walking to the washroom was a challenge…, slept and got up at 6:30 AM, still raining… muddy and potholes filled with rainwater… Took a shower and shaved in cold, then after coffee, tea, breakfast, packing, we left our camp at 9:30 AM. Drove on Canada 16 in rain… and all day drove in rain. Passed Houston BC, then Topley drove along Burns Lake then Fraser Lake. The landscape was very nice even with heavy clouds and in the rain. Continued to Wandhoof, then slowly we arrived in Prince George. The rain just stopped there, but later started to sprinkle again. Set up our tiny house at Sintich Camp, the drove a Chinese buffet to eat dinner, then back to camp. We were still tired after the rainy day-long drive, but the camp was nice and quiet. Drank few beers, relaxed, worked on the journal, uploaded few new files. We had a great day.

Day 87 (Friday): October 4, 2019
Woke up early, quick bathroom and breakfast then started to pack and left our camp around 9 AM. Drove on BC-97 to Hixon, then stopped at Hush Lake, where we enjoyed and photographed the nice landscape. The rain started again, and we continued our trip on 97 to Quesnel, Australia, Alexandria, then to Williams Lake. The lands are mostly farm and agricultural lands, this area had many nice lakes but was filled with vacation homes. Drove to 150 mile House, to Lac La Hache, then to 100 Mile House. These are small villages. Finally, we passed the rain clouds and made it to Gold Trail RV Park, where we set up our trailer, filled up our car with gas, ate good rib for dinner at the RV Park’s Cowboy Kitchen. Back to our camper, at 8 PM in pitch dark, worked on pictures, then slept at 9:30 PM, and slept like a log all night.

Day 88 (Saturday): October 5, 2019
The evening clouds disappeared during the night, and we had a beautiful, crystal clear, starry sky, all of the stars and constellations were well visible and bright. Got up at 5:30 AM, 31 oF, freezing, but least dry. After our quick morning routines, Lexi made sandwiches for breakfast and packed, then left our camp at 8:30 AM. Drove on Hwy 97 to Cache Creek then on Canada 1 scenic rod to Spences Bridge. Both sides of the Fraser River, mile-long trains running on their tracks. From the road looked like model trains, but when we observed them from close range, they were very powerful. Continued to Lytton, Karaka bar, Boston Bar, then to Hells Gate, where we stopped and took a Gondola air tram ride to the Fraser River, where we enjoyed the scenery and felt the power of the running, swirling deep water. Walked through the bridge and photographed that area. Watched a video about the salmon’s life cycle, their migration and learned about their life and death. Came back to the parking with the gondola, then continued on Canada 1 to Yale, stopped at Lake of the Woods, then drove to Hope. Continued on the scenic, curly, steep, up and downhill, BC-3 scenic mountain road to Princeton, where we stayed at River’s Edge RV camp next to the Similkameen River. After finishing our tiny house, loaded gas from our spare jerry cans to Beast drove to downtown’s Pub, ate good food, and drank a couple of beers. Worked on the journal and near-future travel plans, talked about the highlights of the day, read books and we were happy. Clear sky, starry night, 35 oF, at 11 PM.

Day 89 (Sunday): October 6, 2019
Got up at 5:30 AM, cold, foggy morning, 28 oF. The washroom was cold, but we had a hot shower there… not bad. After breakfast, we packed and left Princeton camp at 10 AM, drove on BC-3 scenic road to Keremeos, where we stopped at the farmer’s fruit market, then continued to Osoyoos, passed the Canada/US border then drove on WA-79 to Tonasket, Riverside, Okanogan, where we turned to WA-20 curly, steep mountain road and drove to Twisp, where we got gas and drove to Riverbend Camp, where we parked and set up our home, next to the gurgling Methow River for two days. The fall colors are really amazing in this area, the real fall coloration just started. I walked around, took few photographs, worked on journals, and more future trip planning. Lexi cooked dinner and took care of the laundry. I am blessed to have her as my lifelong lovely wife. We had complete darkness at 7 PM, cloudy, 50 oF, not too cold.

Day 90 (Monday): October 7, 2019
Got up at 5:30 AM, after the bathroom and a quick breakfast, we left our camp for a whole day trip to North Cascade National Park. Drove on the scenic Cascade Loop Hwy 20 in light rain to the charming Winthrop, then to Mazama through the beautiful Okanogan National Forest then through the rigid but beautiful Washington Pass and Rainy Pass to Granite Creek Valley. We photographed in rain and fog at Cut through Lake, Pacific Crest trailhead, and Ruby Creek. The scenery and the fall coloration of the trees were amazing. Continued to Ross Dam area, Diablo Dam then to Gorge Dam, and to the roaring Gorge Creek. Stopped there and made a short hike to the overlook area on the rainforest-like mountain side, trail, then walked on the pedestrian bridge side in the rain, and enjoyed the fantastic view to the Gorge Creek Falls. Continued on Hwy 20 next to the Skagit River to New Halem, then drove on Hwy 20 backward in rain, but still enjoying and completing our day trip. Stopped at many viewpoints and photographed a lot, even the rain sprinkled. Later, got heavier rain, made some areas of the high passes mountain road challenging. During our trip, fog or clouds covered the majority of the mountains, but I really enjoyed it, giving me the real mystery and reminded me to the feelings of the fine Chinese brush landscape painting. I felt the secrets of the mountains and Nature gave us special gifts again in the rain. We will come back to North Cascades again for sure.

Day 91 (Tuesday): October 8, 2019
Woke up at 4 AM, the clouds were gone and we had a fantastic starry night. Got up at 6 AM, after morning routines and breakfast, we packed and left our camp at 9 AM. Drove from Twisp on Hwy 20 and on Hwy 153 in the beautiful Methow River Valley, filled with rich fruit trees and strong, healthy grape vines, wineries and nice farm houses, surrounded with fall colored trees. Continued on Hwy 97 to Wenatchee, then in the Wenatchee National Forest, passing through the Wenatchee Mountains and at Blewett Pass and Mineral Springs, the temperature dropped to close to freezing point and snowed. The fall coloration of the tree leaves were breathtakingly beautiful especially in light rain, the colors were so intense, and deeply saturated. We stopped few places to photograph, but we were happy when we safely arrived to Ellensburg, where the landscape changed and sage and grass covered the Land. Continued on Hwy 82 to Yakima, where we set up our camp. Lexi cooked fine food for dinner, I worked on more trip planning, then after dinner, we fixed our arrival and stay in Campland RV of San Diego, where we will spend few days of quality time with our older son, Daniel. The evening wind cleared up the sky, we have nice starry night, 43oF . After recalling our trip memories, we gave thanks and had a good night sleep. We are happy.

We will arrive at locations without Wifi soon, so be patient, I will update my blog when I can.