Day 99 (Wednesday): October 16, 2019
Didn’t sleep well, high likely the quick warm up change caused, but I got up at 5:30 AM as most of the time. After quick bathroom, coffee, tea, breakfast, few more planning and packing, we left our camp at 9 AM. Drove on I-5 south in heavy traffic, the heading to LA eighteen wheelers were very fast. Stopped few busy rest stops in the desert, next to the road, yellow dried grass covered desert hills and only few trees were around us. Passed huge well maintained farm lands, filled with healthy grape wines, fruit trees, but they use lot of water to keep the farmlands green. After Bakersfield exit we drove farther and used Hwy 223 to junction of Hwy 58 south. The winding, steep, filled with trucks road took us through the desert mountains to Tehachapi, where we stayed at Mountain Valley camp, next to the Mountain Valley small plane and glider airport. Set up our tiny house, then ate our sandwiches for lunch and for dinner yesterday’s left over. Nice sunny day, lot of glider were up and we enjoyed their quiet fly, lifting air maneuvers and their landing. Nice very quiet place, no city noise. Enjoyed and photographed the ground squirrels and early evening the coyotes showed up. At 7 pm was complete dark, clouds arrived, but stars and the moon were visible. The coyotes were loud and evening but we liked their sound of disagreement. Late night the wind picked up, cleared the sky, temperature dropped to 48 oF.

Day 100 (Thursday): October 17, 2019
Woke up few times for the strong wind, shaking our tiny house, but it remained stable. Got up at 6:30 AM, after showers, shaving, coffee, tea, breakfast, packing , organizing things, finally we our Mountain Valley camp at 10:30 AM. Drove on Hwy 58, then drove in strong wind and dust east, stopped few rest stops. The view was hazy to the desert mountains, the air was filled with fine dust, just like in the western movies… Drove to Mojave and through the Mojave Desert on Hwy 58 to North Edwards, Hinkley then continued through the desert on Hwy 247 through Lucern Valley, passed through on dust storm at Johnson Valley then finally arrived to Yucca Valley, Little Pioneer Town RV where we stay two nights. After checking in, and setting up our camp, then drove to Joshua Tree National Park Visitor Center then drove into the Park, took few reference shuts at pull outs, then turning back at Quail Springs. We enjoyed the sunset and the play of light in the valley and the Joshua Trees were glowing. Back to town in dark then on a mountain road drove to Little Pioneer Town, where we ate a good dinner at the famous Pappy and Harriet’s Restaurant/Pub/Bar. Drove back to our camp then enjoyed the starry quiet night.

Day 101 (Friday): October 18, 2019
Up at 6 AM, after quick morning routines, coffee, tea, breakfast, packed for a day trip and left our camp to Joshua Tree National Park. Entered through the West Entrance Station and drove on Park Boulevard to Quail Springs then to Hidden Valley. Continued between large boulders packed formations and thousands of Joshua Trees to Keys View Road and up to Keys View Viewpoint, which is the highest elevation viewpoint at Joshua Tree National Park. We enjoyed to see the Colorado desert yuccas and rock desert, and the Mojave desert Joshua Tree filled sand desert with boulders. Drove on dirt road to Lost Horse Mine trailhead where we photographed then back to the main road and drove to Sheep Pass, Jumbo Rocks and to Oasis of Mara, at the North Entrance, where we walked the nature trail. Continued to Twenty nine Palms, then on Hwy 62 to Yucca Valley. Bought few supplies, then drove back through West Entrance to the Park, and photographed after sunset. Drove back to Town and camp in dark, ate yesterday’s leftover for dinner, worked on journal and enjoyed the moonrise at 10 PM. Clear starry night, 50 oF. We had a great day, enjoyed the Park, the outings and photography.

Day 102 (Saturday): October 19, 2019
The rising Sun woke us up at 7:30 AM, then after our morning routines, coffee, tea, breakfast, we packed and closed our camp. Drove on Hwy 62, then I-10, then on very heavy Saturday afternoon traffic on Hwy 215 to Murrieta, then on Hwy 15 through Temecula and Escondido to San Diego, where we camped at Campland on the Bay. Set up our tiny house than met with our older son Daniel, visited a nice Ocean viewpoint, ate his excellent, home cooked dinner and had a great time together. Back to camp at 9:30 PM, we enjoyed the day.

Day 103 (Sunday): October 20, 2019
Woke up at 6 AM, after bathroom and morning routines, then I completed all of my reservations for the rest of our trip. Dani arrived at 9 AM, Lexi made good breakfast and we ate together at our bench, outside. Packed for the day trip around San Diego and La Jolla beaches. Drove to San Diego’s famous Balboa Park, filled with great art museums. Walked around, went to the Botanical Garden, we were amazed by the superior model train exhibition and MOPA’s The Stories They Tell a hundred years of photography exhibition, walked to and heard the sound of the gigantic outdoor organ, enjoyed the play of street musicians, and visited the Art boots of a number of artists. Drove to San Diego’s nice beach and to La Jolla’s famous beaches, listened the splashing Ocean waves and stopped at the rocks filled with seals and sea lions. We stayed there after sunset, then drove back to our son’s house for dinner. This was a very nice day again, we enjoyed every moment. Downloaded files, worked on journal, then slept well. The majority of the campsite occupants left today, very quiet.

Day 104 (Monday): October 21, 2019
Woke up at 6 AM, after morning routines, coffee, tea, good breakfast, I started to charge all of our camera batteries, then set up my film loading table tent and loaded 4×5 sheets to my film holders for the next few days. My wife took care of the laundry, then when we finished, our Daniel arrived and went to Neptune Park, and to the WindandSea Beach between San Diego and La Jolla. We enjoyed the sound and view of the splashing waves on the rocks, and the surfers, including our son Daniel. I took few large format photography there, then were happy to see the sunset with sound of the Ocean waves. Ate a good pizza dinner and drank fine micro brewed beer in the charming local brewery nearby. Drove back in dark to Campland on the Bay in San Diego. When we recalled the sound of waves and all of the nice memories of the day, we were happy.

Day 105 (Tuesday): October 22, 2019
Woke up at 6:30 AM, then aslept and got up late at 7:30 AM. After shower, coffee, tea, good breakfast, I loaded more films to my 4×5 film holders, to make sure I will have enough during the rest of our trip. Relaxed and walked around the beach, checked out the small harbor, packed for the afternoon outing. Our son drove us to the Mount Soledad National Veterans Memorial, where the view to the Ocean and to San Diego was outstanding. After that, we drove to La Jolla where we visited Scripps Institute of Oceanography’s Birch Aquarium. First we looked at the tidepools and the shallow waters’ rich underwater life, then visited interesting Scripps Institute’s research project exhibitions, then enjoyed the living sea creatures in well maintained salt water aquariums. The exhibition was breathtakingly beautiful and informative, we all really liked it. Drove to the nearby sandy beach, where Daniel surfed, then drove to Bird Rock area beach, where we were yesterday, and the surfs were stronger and larger. We were happy to listen the sound of splashing waves on rocks and to watch Daniel’s surfing attractions. Walked back to the car at sunset and drove to Pacific Beach near to our camp. Ate good dinner in a Pho specialty Vietnamese Restaurant. Back to the camp in dark, organized files and fixed journal, updated web blog, then relaxed and enjoyed the 67oF temperature, clear, starry night. Remembered to the good day, and slept well.