Day 8 (Wednesday): July 16, 2019
The first week just passed so fast. We got up at 6 AM, nice light above the ridge, but when the sun came out, it was bright, strong, and whitish. After showerless cleansing and refreshing morning coffee, listening to the morning songs of a wide variety of Colorado songbirds, we started to pack, organize our gear and we were ready to leave at 9:45. Drove on scenic byway 24 west, fixed our loosened solar panel at the Coffee shop of Hartsel, then continued on scenic byway 9 to 285 and on it to Evergreen. The whole snow-covered mountain range was in front of us. Garmin navigator was confused a bit in the high mountains, but finally, we found the right way on I-70, then 6 and 93 and Golden Gate Canyon Road where we drove 13 miles to the State Park entrance, checked in then after other 8 miles on 72 and 119, through Gap Road we arrived at our site #48 at Reverend’s Ridge camp. I was tired of pulling the trailer on high elevation steep and filled with hairpins road, but we were happy. The air was clear and sharp. Lexi cooked cubage with pork meet dinner, washed clothes, and took a nice walk around the large, high mountain scenic camp in the middle of the pine forest. Made a campfire and enjoyed the clear starry night, filled with stars, constellations, and unknown mysteries. The temperature dropped again at night and we slept like a log.

Day 9 (Thursday): July 18, 2019
Got up together with the Sun, the hummingbirds started to be active. After the morning routins and hot coffee fixed the backlogged journal and selected a few snapshots for my web blog. After breakfast, we will look around the hiking trails at the willows and small lakes, hoping to see and photograph large mammals. Drove to Panorama Point overlook then checked out Aspen Meadows camp area. Drove down on 119 we stop by the Gilpin Library where we got free WiFi access and were able to organize many things which are otherwise complicated from the road. Enjoy few late morning pictures. Drove down to the Visitor Ctr, then checked out Kriley and Slough Ponds and the willows for moose, then back on 64 and 119 to Gilpin County, got gas, but no ice. Drove to Netherland direction got ice and ate and drank good beer in the Breckenridge Brewery’s Last Shot Pub. Drove back to Gilpin Rd 2 then Gap road. Campfire at our site then a good night sleep in our camper under the starry sky.

Day 10 (Friday): July 19, 2019
Got up at 5:30 AM, nice sky, after bathhouse necessities, shower and shaving seance, fresh coffee, tea, and good Lexi made breakfast, finishing journal and checking driving directions to State Forest State Park CO. Plan to leave around 10 AM or so. Drove on scenic byway 119 through Boulder Canyon, then slowly on 287 through Loveland and Fort Collins, finally, we were on the most scenic and historic byway 14, which goes next to the roaring Poudre river. The road was beautiful and stopped many viewpoints and finally at the end at Moose visitor center of State Forest State Park. Checked in then drove on 14 and on lengthy, narrow 41 scenic dirt road to or Bockman camp. Set up our tiny house and Lexi made a good tortilla soup dinner, talked to neighbors, then drove around looking for moose. We did not see moose, but we got beautiful afterglow light. Storm clouds above us, really dark at night. The camp is boondocking style, luckily we have everything that we need, the solar worked well with our strong battery.

Day 11 (Saturday): July 20, 2019
We got cold (35 oF) in the early morning, got up, had coffee and usual things todos…walked around, everything was quiet, only the birds started to sing. Lexi made good breakfast, then we drove around on 41 dirt road for moose. We did not see any, but we saw and photographed nice aspens and pines and blooming Columbines. We drove on rough dirt roads and made our off-road 4×4 happy. Drove on 41 to 14 and to Walden, stopped at Arapaho NWR lookout, then drove to Arapaho NWR on 125 South. Made the auto tour loop and photographed Pronghorn antelopes, prairie dogs, few birds, and many nice landscapes. Came back to town, got gas, and finally found their superstore on the top of the hill… Drove back to camp and when we arrived, the heavy storm clouds just dropped their rain and hail… luckily our camper trailer protected us. Around 10 PM, the storm passed and stars started to show their mystery. We slept very well.

Day 12 (Sunday): July 21, 2019
Got up with the birds, when they started to sing theirs after rain morning songs. Coffee, tee, good breakfast when the Sun was up, then we drove again on 41 looking for moose, then down to Beaver Ponds trail. Hiked that and photographed a lot of nice backlit wildflowers in their glowing after raincoat. Slowly walked back on the trail, checked all of the beaver ponds for moose, but no luck. Drove to Moose Visitor center, checked locations, then to Ranger Lakes, where we made the 1-mile nature hike, the “Crags” and on a heavy dirt road to the American Lakes trailhead. Back, we drove on 14 to the east, checked out the lookouts to the Crags and Mount Richthofen, and all of the viewpoints, then drove to Chambers Lake, and on 108 Laramie River dirt road. Back to 14 and drove farther to the east, to the Poudre River Falls, took few photographs just before the rain started. Drove back to the Visitor Center, then to the camp area and 41 Moose lookout and back. Lexi made a good BBQ dinner on our tabletop grill and enjoyed our farewell campfire. Clouds moved around, but we did not get heavy rain. The temperature dropped again to 37 oF and we slept well in our cozy camper trailer. The sky cleared up at night and zillions of stars showed their beauty. Good night State Forest State Park camp.

Day 13 (Monday): July 22, 2019
Got up early, had coffee, tea, a quick breakfast, and packed, organized, fixed things then closed our tiny hose, and we were ready to go. Left around 8 AM and checked out Beaver Pond trail, hiked a bit, but we did not see moose. Left State Forest State park around 9 AM and drove on 14 the 125 North, stopped at the superstore, got ice, and continued to Wyoming on 278. Passed windy desert areas, then looked Split Rocks then continued to Lander area, where we got heavy storm clouds and rain. Finally, we arrived at Twin Pines RV Park and camp, where we stopped for the night. Got a clean hot shower and cleaned our three days boondocking dirt away. I was busy with the pictures and updates, so I slept at about 11 pm.

Day 14 (Tuesday): July 23, 2019
We got up with the vocalization of the Canada goose flocks, then later many other songbirds sound in the willows, next to the pond. After a shower, ate a good breakfast, packed, and started the engine around 9 AM. Drove on scenic 278 to Dubois then to Moran junction then on 191 to Colter Bay. Luckily we got a spot on the C loop, we will almost boondock again, but we are well prepared. After set up, we drove around, went to the Colter Bay Village, where Lexi used the washeteria and during that time we were able to use the WiFi there. Updated journal and other important things. Stormy weather started to rain, so we went back to the camp and ate a good dinner. When the rain stopped, drove to the Picnic area and photographed the Tetons under heavy storm clouds covered the sky. The rain started again, but at night we had a fantastic starry sky. We had a great day.