Day 22 (Wednesday): July 31, 2019
Got up at 6 AM, the heavy ground fog slowly started to move in the canyon, and clouds got pink colorations of the rising sun behind the mountains. Later the fog lifted and the Sun slowly started to warm us up, but the outside temperature at 8 AM was still 46 oF. After coffee, we started to pack, try to dry few things, and went down to the lake to photograph the bald eagles at their nest. We were very successful, photographed the adult bald eagle in good light and the feeding and the chicks. Fog-covered pine tree ridge and white pelicans in unusual beautiful surrounding. We went back to camp around 11:30, ate a late breakfast, finished packing, closed the camp, and left our beautiful site at 12:30 PM. Drove on 287 then North part of the Canyon Ferry lake on 284 to Court Sheriff camp, where after set up immediately immersed ourselves into the refreshing lake. The storm came again, 40internet is mph wind strapped down our A-frame just to stay on the safe side. Drove to Helena and fixed internet-related issues at Walmart, then back in dark to the camp. The storm passed and we had a beautiful starry night.

Day 23 (Thursday): August 1, 2019
Got up early, started to pack quickly, Lexi made good sandwiches for the road, and left our camp at 8 AM. Drove north on 283, on Hwy 2 then 49 to East Entrance of Glacier NP, and on Two Medicine Park road. Checked out camping options, but we did not find any available spot. Drove down 49 and got a superior site next to the roaring creek at Blackfeet Nation’s Red Eagle primitive camp. Set up our tiny house, Lexi reorganized our stuff in the trailer and in the car. Because we were boondocking, loaded our trailer’s water container with drinking water, checked solar charging and other technical stuff, then after bathing in the creek, drove to East Glacier Park, loaded with gas, water and ate a good dinner on a roadside restaurant and pub down 3 miles on Hwy 2. Back to camp around 10 PM, made a campfire, and enjoyed the absolutely gorgeous starry night. Slept almost at midnight. What a great day again!

Day 24 (Friday): August 2, 2019
Got up with the first light, the behind the mountains rising sun, painted the clouds pink above Two Medicine mountains on the west side. The running creek, flying geese, a screech owl, and the robins greeted us in the early morning. The sun slowly lighted the mountains, but still 45 oF, but later, when came out behind the tall pine trees around 8 AM, started to warm up our house to 70 oF, but the creek water is still refreshing cold. After coffee, tea, and breakfast, we drove to St. Mary at Glacier NP, looked around in the Visitor Centre and drove on Going to the Sun Road to Logan Pass, stopped many very nice lookouts, took 4×5 pictures at Wild Goose Island lookout, and observed the shrinking Glacier at Jackson Glacier. Continued to Logan Pass, enjoyed the blooming fields of Beargrass and photographed mountain goat family and many blooming wildflowers. Drove back on Going to the Sun road, got a coffee at Mary then drove back to the camp. Lexi made good diner, I organized and downloaded the picture files. After dinner, we made a great campfire, but a storm came quickly with strong wind, and we had to kill the fire. Finishing journals and we are ready to sleep. Raining outside, but the temperature outside is still 65 oF. This was another great day, we enjoyed every minute.

Clouds over the Blackfeet tribe’s tippies.

Campfire at our campsite.
Day 25 (Saturday): August 3, 2019
Got up before sunrise, and enjoyed the play of light on the cloudy sky. The mountains slowly turned deep reddish orange-brown and sky painted blue pink and grey. What a magic and good morning wish from Nature. After morning routine and refreshing bathing in the cold water of the running creek, worked on pictures, ate good breakfast, and drove to East Glacier then on scenic Hwy 2 to next to the Middle Fork of Flathead River to West Glacier. Looked around at the South-West corner of Lake McDonald then visited the Nature Center, learned about wildlife programs, glacier reduction and disappearance, and nature conservancy. Continued our trip on the scenic Going-to-the-Sun Road to Logan Pass then down to St. Mary Lake. Got gas and drove back to our camp at Two Medicine. After a good home-cooked, late dinner took few large-format pictures from our scenic next to the creek area, then said goodbye today with a peaceful campfire. The sky was filled with stars, constellations and the Milky Way Galaxy was amazing.

Magic light on the west side of sunrise.

Day 26 (Sunday): August 4, 2019
Early morning drove to Many Glacier, to make sure we will able to find camp spots for the rest of the week. Left 5:30 AM from Red Eagle camp, drove through the steep curly and construction-filled mountain roads to St. Mary and then to Babb and Many Glacier. Arrived at 6:45 AM and we were the 11thin the camping spot waiting line. Finally, only 6 spots were available and we had the find another place for the night. Drove around and got a good site at Leaning Tree camp. Drove back to Red Eagle and pulled the trailer up, set up everything, then drove to Many Glacier, parked at Swiftcurrent Motor lodge parking, then hiked to Fishercap Lake, where we photographed Grizzly and moose. The water droplets sparkled in the backlit, hollow highlight-covered moose. We were happy to see, photograph fine behavior moments of this feeding giant. Drove back to camp in the evening, ate a good homemade dinner, and enjoyed the rest of the day. We had a clear sky, a starry night.

Day 27 (Monday): August 5, 2019
Got up at 3:50 AM and drove in dark to Many Glacier camps, arrived at 4:45 and we were the 2nd in the waiting line. We got a nice spot, #6will camp 2, where we will stay, hike, and photograph for 5 nights. Drove back to St. Mary, got gas, ice, firewood, and grocery. After a good breakfast, we packed and pulled up our tiny house to our spot at Many Glacier, Glacier National Park, MT. Set up our camp, packed for washeteria and shower then late afternoon we were ready to hike to Fishercap Lake. We found four moose cows and one moose bull, feeding in the lake. When they lifted their head the water droplets were sparkling and their body was glowing in the backlight. Photographed them for about an hour, then when the Sun moved behind the mountains walked back to our camp. We saw few mountain goats far away, on the high slopes. We ate dinner at the Swiftcurrent Motor Lodge Cafe, planned a campfire, but we talked a lot with our neighbor camper, and when we realized the time, we already had sleeping time, but we downloaded and looked at our moose images. We were tired, but we received a lot of gifts from Mother Nature and enjoyed the day. Slept at almost midnight, we had a clear, beautiful starry sky.

Our camp at Many Glacier

The mountain wall has minerals like yellow-gold
Day 28 (Tuesday): August 6, 2019
The Sun slowly started to show up its warming rays through the dense tall pines around 7 AM, tired newcomers arrived at 8 AM and started to set up their camp. Ate breakfast around 10 AM then packed and left the camp to photograph nature. Walked around the camp, down to the creek and parking area where the view to the mountains are great. Hiked to the Grinnell Lake trailhead then next to the Swiftcurrent Lake to the far end of the lake, then continued to Lake Josephine. The view of the mountains and melting snow streams was spectacular. Hiked back to Swiftcurrent Lake then around looking for good scenic locations. Hiked back to the trailhead then to the camp, we made 5 miles this afternoon. After a break and nap in the hammock, we hiked to Fishercap Lake, where Lexi photographed the moose with her long telephoto lens and I photographed the landscape with my large format film camera. We were tired when we arrived back at the camp, downloaded images, ate good Lexi cooked dinner, and enjoyed the campfire in the evening. Cloudy sky, no stars tonight, but we were happy again.