Day 29 (Wednesday): August 7, 2019
Got up at 6 AM and after my morning routines, I walked around the scenic nearby viewpoints and photographed the rising sun-painted, fog-covered mountains. What a great morning treat! The magic disappeared when the sun came up higher and the light became stronger. After breakfast, we drove to the Grinnell Glacier parking and hiked around Swiftcurrent Lake to photograph the landscape. Got a nice 4×5 at the creek flowing out from Fishercap Lake near to Swiftcurrent Lake, then the outflow creek from Lake Josephine, near the south side of Swiftcurrent Lake. The scenery was breathtakingly beautiful. Continued to hike to the east end of the lake, where we immersed ourselves into the cold, refreshing water of Swiftcurrent Lake. Hiked back to the camp, then Lexi pre-prepared our dinner then at 6 pm we hiked to Fishercap Lake to photograph the moose. We found and photographed a moose cow and a deer in nice backlighting. Hiked back at 7:30 PM then downloaded and reviewed picture files, ate a delicious dinner, drank a couple of beers. At the popping sound and the light of the campfire, we talked about the gifts that we received from Nature. Starry night tonight, but tomorrow we may get a storm. Enjoy few early morning images.

Day 30 (Thursday): August 8, 2019
Got up at 6 AM, the dawn and the slowly rising sun just started to paint the mountains around us, then later, when the Sun was higher but still behind the mountains, the magic light faded out. When I walked around and enjoyed the landscape, part of a Native Prayer written by Medicine Grizzly Bear warmed my heart: “I pray my relatives in Nature, All those who walk, crawl, fly and swim, seen and unseen, To the good spirits that exist in every part of Creation.” After a good breakfast, we realized that one of our propane is empty and the solar did not get enough sunshine on our lovely but shaded spot, and we were out of electricity… We packed and drove on Many Glacier road then photographed a few nice scenic spots, looked around Babb, bought a new propane cylinder and few essential groceries at St. Mary then drove back to the camp. Lexi pre-prepared the dinner, I fixed the propane, then packed our photo gear and hiked to Fishercap Lake to meet with the moose. We photographed a moose cow in good light and a deer. When after feeding the moose cow moved out from the lake, we enjoyed its powerful running in the shallows of the lake. The splashing water droplets were sparkling and the giant’s fur was glowing in the backlight. We ate a good dinner at the camp, attended the ranger’s talk and learned a lot about bears and safety, then recalled today’s memories at our peaceful campfire. Another great day passed.

Day 31 (Friday): August 9, 2019
Got up earlier than sunrise, but the sky was cloudy and the mountains remained pale in color but still magnificent and powerful. The pine forest smelled earthy and my steps were quiet there. A great day starts good morning Many Glacier. I packed, organized, and ate a good breakfast, then after shaving shower and washeteria, we walked around and tried to photograph nearby. Hiked up to a nice viewpoint of the first part of the Iceberg Lake trail, photographed the Ptarmigan Wall as fog passed through and Mount Wilbur. Hiked down to the trailhead and continued in the Wilbur Creek valley to Fishercap Lake. I had to hike back for more film to the camp then back to Wilbur Creek’s nice cascade falls, then when the rain started to sprinkle again, back to Fishercap Lake, where Lexi photographed the moose. Back to camp in rain, ate home-cooked dinner, and about an hour later, when the rain stopped, dried and cleaned our wet gear. The fog started to come in and slowly covered the mountains and we walked around. We were tired after the long hikes, but the relaxing walk and refreshing smell of wet pine forest floor made us happy. Started the rain again, knocking and drumming on our windows, but we slept well in hands of Mother Nature.

Day 32 (Saturday): August 10, 2019
When we woke up before sunrise, the rain still was in and on, but after making a strong espresso coffee I walked around. Even on a rainy they, our natural surroundings are beautiful, all pine leaves were covered by raindrops. After breakfast, we started to pack, closed our Titan, and pulled out from Many Glacier at 11 AM. Drove on Park road then from Babb on 89 then on 17 to the Canadian border, then entered to Waterton Lakes area in Canada. Drove on Canada 6 then on 5 to Waterton and stopped at historic Prince of Wales castle Hotel, then camped next to the Waterton Lake at Town side camp. Today is a rainy day, all scenic area was covered with fog, but we still enjoyed. After set up, we walked around the tiny village, bought some groceries at the General store, ate dinner, and used the WiFi at Zagg’s eatery, then walked back in sprinkling rain to the camp. After a refreshing hot shower, we slept well. We got rain all night.

Day 33 (Sunday): August 11, 2019
All night rained… got up at sunrise and the view from our window was just like from the Prince of Wels Hotel. The fog lifted up a bit and I took snapshots from the lakeshore. The light, the clouds, and the fog changed very fast and the magic moment just faded. After morning routines, we ate a good breakfast, drove around, stopped at the General Store and at the Pearl’s Cafe, where we drank good double espresso and had WiFi access. I was delighted when I saw my name on the Lens Works “Sixes” winners’ list on this prestigious worldwide portfolio contest. The Cafe closed at 1 PM and we left, tried Cameron Road, and then tried the Red Rock Canyon road, unfortunately, both were closed, because of the fire damage. Drove to Hay Barns forest picnic area then to Cameron Falls where I photographed the landscape, Lexi captured the birds. Back to our camp, Lexi cooked a great dinner then when we started to eat, strong wind and the heavy storm hit our area. Our tiny house was shaking. About an hour later the rain stopped but the strong wind remained. We had a Great Day.

Day 34 (Monday): August 12, 2019
Got up at 5:30 AM, enjoyed the dawn, even was windy. Well, all night we had very strong shaking wind and morning was windy too, but the sunrise painted the clouds and shined to the mountains for a short time. After breakfast, we packed and left the camp at 9:30 AM. Drove on Hwy 5 and 6 then on Hwy 22, then on Canada Hwy 1 to Canmore, Banff then to Lake Louise. We got strong wind on the road and we got very heavy rain and wind just before Canmore, then rained at Banff and was in and out on the road to Lake Louise. Checked in the camp, then set up our tiny house in rain. The rain stopped and the sun was out then the rain started again and stopped and rained again. We ate homemade dinner about 7 PM, then drove to Lake Louise Village, walked around, enjoyed the surroundings and glacier-covered mountains, then back to camp. Cloudy, but maybe will clear up. We have a full moon.

Day 35 (Tuesday): August 13, 2019
Rained all night… the mountains are hiding behind the dense morning fog. After a hot coffee and tea, I explored the Bow River trail, then after a good breakfast, we drove to Lake Louise Village, then to the Medical Clinic, where I was in very good hands, then walked around and tried to drive to Lake Louise but the parking was full and Moraine Lake road was closed because that parking was full too. Drove back to our camp, then made a nice Bow River hike, enjoyed the scenery. Back to the camp, I loaded our trailer with freshwater, shaved, then chopped firewood and made a campfire. Lexi cooked a good dinner and we enjoyed it eating outside next to the campfire. After dinner, we drove up to Lake Louise and were happy to see the emerald color of the Lake and the view to the Victoria Glacier and to the plain of the six glaciers were amazing. Drove back to camp and fixed journals, worked on pictures, made next day hiking plans, and read a book. Another great day passed.