December is the Season of the Holidays. Merry Christmas, Happy Chanukah, and a Happy New Year! These are only some of the greetings we exchange on the festive holidays in December.

Advent. (December 2, 2018) Marking the beginning of the Christian liturgical year across many different Western churches, and beginning the period of preparation and celebration of the Nativity of Jesus at Christmas, Advent runs between 22 and 28 days.
Chanukah. (December 3, 2018) A special day times eight, this Jewish holiday (another of the religious holidays in December), also known as the Festival of Lights, is one of many December holidays around the world and is celebrated for eight nights and days (the exact dates change slightly every year).
St. Nicholas Day. (December 6, 2018), This is the day in which St. Nicholas, the Bishop Nicholas of Myra, died. The year of his death was 343 AD. During his lifetime, he lived his life as a servant of God. Through his kindness, caring and generosity to all, he became known throughout the world. St. Nicholas is the patron saint of multiple diverse groups including children. In many countries, children await anxiously for the morning of December 6th to see if St. Nicholas visited them during the night.
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Christmas Eve (December 24, 2018) Christmas Eve is the day that immediately proceeds Christmas Day – the day that commemorates the birth of Jesus Christ. This holiday, which falls on December 24th, is celebrated all over the world and is treated as either a holiday in its own right or as part of the greater Christmas tradition.
Christmas (December 25, 2018) Christmas is a very special time of year. It is a time of celebration, goodwill, and miracles. It is also a time of year when many people spend time together with their families and friends. And it is a time of traditions and dreams.
New Year’s Eve (December 31, 2018) For most countries using the Gregorian calendar, this time of the year occurs on December 31st. It is a time when friends and family get together to enjoy each other’s company, good food, drinks, music, and dancing. It is also the time of the year when people start thinking about their resolutions – or what they want to accomplish – for the coming year.