Lexi’s (“Sunrise Drops” color) and Laszlo’s (Quanah Parker Lake at Dawn” b&w 4×5 film) submitted images to the “Golden Hours: Dawn and Dusk” exhibition at PhotPlace Gallery (3 Park Street, Middlebury, Vermont 05753 ) were selected for display in the Online Annex.

PhotoPlace Gallery Director James Barker wrote: “Thank you for submitting your work for PhotoPlace Gallery’s juried The Golden Hours: Dawn and Dusk exhibition. Juror Eddie Soloway chose 40 photographs for the gallery exhibition, and an additional 35 photographs for display in the Online Gallery Annex on the PhotoPlace Gallery website.
We are very pleased to tell you that your work was selected for display in the Online Annex.
The chosen works are: (more info)
We also direct your attention to the juror’s statement on that web page, which many photographers find very instructive.
All selected works will be reproduced in a full-color exhibition catalog available for purchase. The image you submitted for the jury process is of sufficient size for reproduction in the catalog. A draft of the catalog will be available for preview and editing prior to the final catalog being available for sale. Finally, please accept our congratulations on your achievement. We are thrilled by the collection Eddie Soloway has assembled, and thank you for being part of it. Best regards, James Barker, Director