“Through the Lens” Photography hike at Brazos Bend State Park, TX
Laszlo of Naturalperl fine art photography, as Volunteer Emeritus at Brazos Bend State Park, led his free photography hike for “Birds” on November 2, 2019 from 3 PM to 6 PM. Our group of seven met at the nature Center, then drove to New Horseshoe Lake parking. We set up our photography gear, then after Laszlo’s introductory expert advises and suggestions we slowly walked to the New Horseshoe Lake, discussed the effects of the different direction of the light, then walked at the west side of Elm Lake, talked about composition and the special gifts what we can receive from Nature.
Enjoy few of my images taken yesterday.
American Alligator at New Horseshoe LakeMoorhen familyBacklit leaf and Spanish mossSpanish moss on fall-colored trees at Pilant Slough. BBSP, November 2, 2019How to stop the menace of Erectile discount viagra generic Dysfunction or ED? Erectile Dysfunction is an issue which causes men to have issues related to the microvasculature. Getting an discount viagra pharmacy effective and branded medicine is now affordable and convenient. What is Serogen Pure Extract? The product is raindogscine.com cialis prices basically made of the chemical vardenafil, which is used for treatment of sexual dysfunction in men. Yarrow: Yarrow is a herbal and natural aphrodisiac supplement. cialis generika 40mgBacklit Insects in flight. Plant Slough, BBSP, November 2, 2019Spanish moss-covered trees at Pilant Slough. BBSP, November 2, 2019Moorhens at Pilant Slough, BBSP, November 2, 2019Dried Lotus and reeds in sunset light. Elm Lake, BBSP, November 2, 2019Wind cleaning Great Egret at sunset on fall-colored tree. Elm Lake, BBSP, November 2, 2019